Greenwich United Way Annual Campaign: Why They Need Your Support by Dec. 31
Fundraising for grants that support critical health, education and self-sufficiency programs in the Greenwich community.
GREENWICH, Conn., Monday, November 27, 2017 – With only one month left until the Greenwich United Way awards its grants as part of their Community Investment Process, they are seeking the support of the Greenwich community. Households will shortly receive an appeal to help their neighbors who need it most.
“The Annual Campaign funds the grants awarded through our Community Investment Process, that has priority areas of Mental Health, Youth, and Self-Sufficiency,” said Annual Campaign Chair, Marie Woodburn. Annual Campaign dollars come from Greenwich residents and local workplace campaigns including but not limited to the Greenwich Town Hall, Board of Education and Greenwich Hospital. Fundraising events also contribute to the total which is invested in the Greenwich community via grants that will be awarded in January of 2018. As the need for funding continues to rise, Greenwich United Way will add fundraising events and generate new ways to reach into the community for support.
The Greenwich United Way kicked off the organization’s Annual Campaign in September at Greenwich Hospital. The event included remarks from First Selectman, Peter Tesei, and Greenwich Hospital President and Greenwich United Way Advisory Board member, Norman Roth, to a group of Greenwich United Way board members and representatives from the organization’s agency partners. “We could not have a community like Greenwich without the Greenwich United Way partnering with us. The Greenwich United Way is that one agency that raises awareness for all those needs and provides a blueprint for which we operate off of to address those services to those people who need it the most,” said Tesei. He continued, “As the town’s Chief Elected Official I’m especially grateful because our accomplishments give me an enormous sense of pride”.
Later that month Greenwich United Way sent out its first Annual Campaign solicitation for the 2017/18 year with this message: “One gift can impact all of Greenwich.” Listed on the brochure were services provided by partner agencies and programs that receive Greenwich United Way grants. These benefits include but are not limited to:
57,000 rides provided to elderly or disabled residents
864 children and adults were provided behavioral health services at an outpatient clinic
1,000 victims of domestic violence received counseling
150,000 meals were distributed to those who otherwise might have gone hungry
100 adults battling addiction received aid
600 children received preschool scholarships
“Because the Greenwich United Way is uniquely positioned, it is the only organization with the means to understand where funds are needed most,” said Greenwich United Way Board Chair, Karen Keegan. She continued, “Programs that we fund through our partnerships are providing incredible results and improving health, education and self-sufficiency throughout Greenwich and neighboring communities”.
In late October, the Community Investment Process launched into action with close to twenty volunteers from the Greenwich community. Each volunteer is provided with data from the Needs Assessment and grant applications submitted by human service agencies. Then the teams work together to conduct a thorough investigation into each request for funds. After analyzing the data, site visits are scheduled and agency directors are interviewed. This comprehensive approach is a process that enables the Greenwich United Way to eliminate overlap of resources and provide agencies with valuable insights.
Anyone who does not receive the mailing can visit the Greenwich United Way website to make a donation or send a check to the Greenwich United Way at 500 West Putnam Avenue, Suite 415, Greenwich, CT 06830. Follow Greenwich United Way on Facebook to learn more and for Annual Campaign news in real time.