Text Search tips:
- Keep your text phase simple
- Use as few words as possible
- Choose descriptive words
- Check spelling
- If there are special characters in your search, try using them exactly as is, such as “Crohn’s” or without the special characters, such as “Crohn”
- Try alternative words: instead of “Elderly Housing” try “Senior Housing”
- Alternate the singular or plural form of words if you did not find an exact fit: “babies” instead of “baby”
- If looking for a specific phrase, place in quotes: ex: “Jewish Family Services”
Browsing Events & Organizations:
- Navigate the Calendar
- Click on “Event List” at top of the Calendar to see details of upcoming events
TIP: When browsing the Events calendar you choose a specific Category at the top Events search bar, such as “Family” or “Concert”, you will be shown the calendar with events for just that specific interest.
Organizations & Services:
On the Home Page go to Organization Categories and
- View All and select the Category to browse through or
- Click on Major Category to view your options for further browsing
TIP: When you find an Organization of interest, you can click on the Categories and Tags found at the bottom to find similar Organizations.
Still Need More Help:
Community Answers would like to help. You can contact us Mon – Fri 9:00 – 3:00 pm at 203.612.9590 or email ALai@greenwichunitedway.org
We make every effort to stay up to date. However, Community Answers cannot guarantee the accuracy of this information or for the quality of the organizations or events listed on this site. Community Answers has no liability for any damages related to the use of its databases.