Founded in 1933, the RTM is the legislative body of the town, with its powers vested by the Town Charter.  The RTM consists of about 230 Greenwich citizens elected by the voters in the town’s 12 voting districts. They run on a non-partisan basis, and are elected in odd-numbered years to serve two-year terms. They take office in JAN when they elect their moderator. RTM  has the authority to: Approve all expenditures by the town over $5000; Approve, reduce, and eliminate appropriations;Approve or reject nominations to town bodies as made by the selectmen decide whether the town shall accept federal or state funds for town projects; Create special committees to deal with particular subjects such as labor contracts, claims, and redistricting; Pass “sense of the meeting” resolutions urging that other branches of government initiate desired legislation, or expressing disapproval of actions that have been taken; act as the final planning authority on municipal improvements; and Initiate and pass ordinances.

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