Organization Category: Financial
Begun in 1972, this nonprofit organization, is the umbrella group for Town of Greenwich scholarships. The Greenwich Scholarship Association provides need-based college scholarships for graduating seniors living in Greenwich or attending Greenwich public, private or parochial schools. Greenwich students are matched with educational funding from local organizations. There are no administrative costs, so all funds contributed […]
Written by Sagan Medvec on October 2, 2017
Founded in 1949, this local chapter of the national organization is dedicated to seeking the cause and cure of leukemia and blood cancers (lymphoma, multiple myeloma and Hodgkins Disease). The mission of The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (LLS) is to Cure leukemia, lymphoma, Hodgkin’s disease and myeloma, and improve the quality of life of patients […]
Written by Sagan Medvec on July 20, 2017
The Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services (DMHAS) promotes and administers recovery-oriented services in the areas of mental health treatment and substance abuse prevention and treatment throughout Connecticut. While the Department’s prevention services serve all Connecticut citizens, its mandate is to serve adults (over 18 years of age) with psychiatric or substance use disorders, or […]
Written by Sagan Medvec on July 20, 2017
FAMILY CENTERS‘ Greenwich Head Start program provides preschool services to income-eligible families living in Greenwich with three- and four-year-old children. The curriculum-based program teaches children to understand letters, numbers and how to interact in a classroom setting. Teachers also work on speech development and helps children of immigrant families learn English. An emphasis is also placed on parent […]
Written by Sagan Medvec on July 19, 2017
FAMILY CENTERS’ Housing Resource Program locates and places clients living with long-term mental illness in safe, stable and affordable housing in lower Fairfield County. Program staff provides an array of supportive services necessary to maintain community living and prevent psychiatric hospitalizations. In addition to providing housing, the program also assists clients gain community and government entitlements, […]
Written by Sagan Medvec on July 19, 2017
The CAMP & PROGRAM GUIDE The booklet is available at various locations around town; LOCAL LIBRARIES, TOWN HALL, SCHOOLS, BOYS & GIRLS CLUB, YMCA,YWCA and more. Started in 1986 as a two page document, this comprehensive camp and program guide is our most popular publication. An electronic version of the booklet is available year-round on our website.
Written by Sagan Medvec on July 13, 2017
This database is an exhaustive collection of local nonprofit, government organizations and agencies. There are over 400 entries which are updated annually by staff. Organization updates may be submitted via our website submit option, called in (203-869-2211) or e-mailed to us at
Written by Sagan Medvec on July 13, 2017
The WorkPlace was originally incorporated as the Private Industry Council of Southern Connecticut on August 11, 1983. Today, as one of five Workforce Development Boards in the state, we continue to prepare people for careers while strengthening the workforce for employers. We do this chiefly by administering workforce development funds and coordinating providers of job training and education programs. But […]
Written by zack lori on May 19, 2017
New Reach delivers an array of housing interventions to end homelessness and alleviate poverty. From operating emergency shelters to developing affordable housing and everything in between, we are committed to building hopeful futures for those experiencing homelessness and poverty in CT.
Written by zack lori on May 19, 2017
Supports children with cancer and their families during treatment. To provide practical, emotional and financial assistance to Connecticut families of children in treatment for cancer through programs and services that meet the unique and challenging needs of pediatric cancer treatment
Written by zack lori on May 19, 2017
UConn Health is dedicated to helping people achieve and maintain healthy lives and restoring wellness/health to maximum attainable levels
Written by zack lori on May 19, 2017
Regional transportation service provides free or low cost transportation to work for eligible workers who are no longer receiving public assistance and who are beginning work, and for eligible people who work in low income jobs and do not have transportation to their workplace
Written by zack lori on May 19, 2017