Basic Human Needs was one of the two major categories on which survey respondents placed the most importance. This category included issues such as housing, nutrition/food security, equality, and financial resources. Housing was, by far, the issue on which respondents placed the most importance, and where there was the greatest gap between perceived importance (high) and belief that the need was being met (low). Nutrition ranked second in terms of importance among respondents. In contrast to housing, respondents perceived nutrition needs as being met relevant to the importance placed upon it. Housing and nutrition, specifically food security, persisted as critical topics during interviews. Equality, particularly related to the wealth gap, educational disparities, and racial justice, also emerged as an important topic across interviews. This page includes data relevant to each Basic Human Needs subcategory. Further analysis focusing on Housing and Equality can be found in the Special Topics section.
Basic Human Needs
Affordable housing emerged as an important theme in the survey and the interviews, with many interviewees commenting on the lack of affordability of living in the town. High cost, limited space, policy, political polarization, zoning regulations, and strong feelings about Greenwich’s character were among the factors that contribute to the complexity of this issue, according to interviewees. The type of housing varies dramatically between neighborhoods, as does the mix of owner-occupied and renter-occupied. Many families, across all neighborhoods, make enormous financial sacrifices to live in Greenwich, both for a single-family home or for rental housing.
Renter-Occupied Housing Units
Renter-Occupied Housing Units – Rent Under $2000
Owner Occupied Housing Units
Housing Burden – Owner Occupied
Housing Burden – Renter Occupied
Nutrition, more specifically food security, is an issue that many of our interviewees identified as important. They noted that sharp increases in the number of food insecure people during the pandemic caused them to consider nutrition as a critical priority. Interviewees were also concerned about how increases in unemployment, coupled with the financial insecurity of service providers, would influence food security and nutrition in the long term.